Monday, March 13, 2006

Are We There Yet?

To answer the aforementioned question in a word, "no." The doctor's visit went well. We have a healthy baby & Mom's amniotic levels look good. We even saw a chubby little face looking back at us through the ultrasound. Despite all the good news (and don't get me wrong, it was great news), we did hold out a shred of hope that our next stop following the doctor's office would be the hospital.

I am sure you all have at one time or another envisioned the circumstances surrounding an event and have played them out in your head to your preferred end. In this case, that's exactly what we did. I think we had ourselves all but convinced that the amniotic level would drop just enough that the doctor would recommend inducing labor. That was the "plan." The allure of this option was one of preparedness. We were ready for the event, anticipation built up, bags packed, and so on. Ultimately, we had control, or so we thought.

I thought about giving this entry the subtitle "A Lesson in Control." Control is something DINKs (Dual Income No Kids) like Heather and I enjoy aplenty and have for some time now. Married for six plus years without the responsbilitiy of children gives you lots of opportunity to contemplate and follow the path of your choice. Basically, you have a lot of freedom, and complete control over how you use that freedom. And, you get used to it being that way.

Not so much anymore.

I have said it before and it appears it did not stick too well, so I will say it again, "He is the boss." Now repeat. Baby H will be the new center of the universe. Better get used to it and fast.

Granted, everything is not as black and white as I am presenting it to be here, but the reality is that the field of choices in front of us is shifting, and with that comes the realization of a little less control. That epiphany can be frightening and scary if you let it be, but I do not think that is the choice we intend to embrace.

Actually, we are both looking forward to meeting our little guy, so very much so. Sometimes with anticipation comes frustration when you are so very close to the end. Add that to the fact that the "plan" did not hatch the way we hoped it would and you have a couple of naive kids leaving the doctor's office a little disppointed.

But Heather put it into perspective best when she said, "We've waited 39 weeks to meet him...we can wait one more." The reality is that this new little x-factor will undoubtedly throw us some new twists and curveballs that never came into play during the DINK era and we will have to learn to deal. And that's okay.

As for the impending arrival, which formed the basis for this exposition, well...the matter is out of our control. For me, its just a matter of reaction. Something happens, I react. Along those lines, we are prepared in the traditional sense like packed bags, car seat, labor aids, etc.

For Heather, its an entirely different matter, one of interpretation. And for that, I am not sure that I envy her position. I do greatly admire her. And I place in her all the confidence in the world.

So, we wait and see, and hope that the blessed event will happen soon, and ask ourselves with every contraction, "Are we there yet?"


By the way, I have to ask, what comes after DINK? Dual Income One Kid? DIOK? Isn't that the sound made on "Law & Order?" Diok Diok! Drop me a line if you do know. Nothing like adding an extra label to the pile.


Coralee said...

Two blogs in 2 days....WOW!! Thought I noted a bit of disappointment in your voice on Monday. Me, too. I was hoping for the 13th. Remember, from now on things are on HIS time! The room looks great - at least what is on the pics. We're trying to be patient too. Seems all my conversations with others begins..."is the baby here yet?"

How about VLP - very loving parents!! Mom H.

Anonymous said...

Yep, I remember those days of waiting and waddling as time ticked by. One week absorbed into the next, only for the doctor to say,"Let's see what happens this week!" OK.... The nights I slept the soundest were the nights I went into labor. Except for Erich, he didn't want to come out. you said, you are on his time! We're waiting and love all three of you!


Anonymous said...

We're all anxious to meet baby H soon as well! Look forward to the fun phone chain and exciting news :)

Anonymous said...

I always wondered how to spell that "Law and Order" thingy. Who knew that I could find the answer on the internet!?

To answer your question:
Dual Incom With Kid Eating Frozen Pizzas Almost Nightly.

Good luck, we are thinking about you..TIM